We have a highly trained sales force that regularly visits our clients in Lima and in provinces.
Our sales personnel are constantly updated to have an in-depth knowledge of our products, the market and our clients. They work with determination, a positive attitude and confidence both in themselves and their product in order to properly attend to our clients’ demands.
They furthermore are in constant contact with the company as to communicate our clients’ necessities, preferences, likes, queries and concerns thereby allowing us to continually improve our services and products.

Our warehouses are accredited with the Good Storage Practice certification. Good Storage Practices constitute a range of minimum obligatory storage norms that must be applied to imported supplies, distribution, dispensing and product retailing while also regulating installations, equipment and operating procedures. These focused measures guarantee the conservation of the products’ optimum characteristics and properties.

We have formed a specialist logistics team responsible for processing all the orders for distribution. The team uses our own transport fleet that allows for the expedient and appropriate product delivery to all parts of Peru.

Call Center Service
We have a customer call center, which provides information and support about the products we commercialized, communicates promotions, discounts and marketing campaign and in the same time receives and resolve the purchase inquiries from our customer.

Medical Sales
We have a national network of medical sales representatives that covers the most important medical and therapeutic specialties. Therefore we can adjust our services to every product line’s necessities by being able to provide services delivered by exclusive medical sales teams or, alternatively, by sharing promotion spaces. Our widely experienced professional team guarantees our quality of service in the pharmaceutical industry by covering the ambits of Marketing, Medical Consultancy, Promotional Material Development, Sales Techniques Training and Personnel Selection.
Furthermore, our Market Service Department and Pharmacy Promotion Team are charged with managing our brand

We monitor our import operations from Shipping Departure Port until arrival at our warehouses.
We have total control over the import process, storage, customs clearance, document procedures and the product delivery to our warehouses.

We have an area which has the explicit function of registering brands and products with the pertinent Peruvian regulatory authorities:
DIGESA – Directorate General for Environmental Health
DIGEMID – Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals, Medical Supplies and Drugs
INDECOPI –National Institute for the Defense of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property

Post Sale Services
The post sales service allows us to maintain contact and further relations with our client base by understanding their perceptions, necessities or requirements after having acquired our products.